As many players make their college decision over the next few months here are some thoughts to consider that college coaches feel are important factors.

From a coach’s perspective, what are some factors to help a junior golfer determine the right fit?

“Do they like the school, the coach and the team? Does the school have the correct major for the student? It is important to establish a relationship with the coach and to know the students on the team. The student must be qualified academically. The student has to have a solid tournament record.” – D1 Coach

“The Coach, what is expected by the coach out of the student athlete, size of school, area of study, how far you want to be from home, the team.” – D1 Coach

“Does the school have my major field of study? How many players are on the team? Is the program set up to help me elevate my game from a practice environment?”- D1 Coach

“Learning style, class size, coaching staff, consistency and/or improvement in the golf program, coach’s track record, coach’s past employment timeline. Also, take a look at the coach’s NCAA ASR/GSR to see how the coach prepares his/her player’s careers after college golf.” –D2 Coach

“Be realistic about the school. If you like to party go to a big school where you have room to party.”- D1 Coach

“Does the school have the major that interests you and is the coach willing to accommodate that? Are you comfortable around the coach and the team? Will you have a good chance of being on the travel team?” – D3 Coach