žAfter you have created your college golf resume, it’s time to find out what schools you realistically match with. Use the Women’s College Breakdown to identify schools that fit you athletically. žOnce you have determined where you fit in athletically use www.golfstat.com to find golf programs that fit your athletic abilities and resume. žAt www.golfstat.com you will find all of the D1, D2, D3 and NAIA programs ranked within their division. You can then use the Ping College Golf Guide, www.collegegolf.com to research the golf programs and contact the coaches. Also, check out the school’s athletic website and team’s page.
Finding a realistic golf program is half of the process. You must then research the schools to find out which ones fit you academically, geographically, socially and financially. žCheck out www.collegeboard.com and www.princetonreview.com. These sites will help you identify the best fit for you as a school, not just as a golf program. Always keep your options open when initially doing research and be realistic. Don’t let small things about a school make you completely cross it off the list. You never know when you may change your mind about your major, size or location. žYou can always narrow the list down later. žIt’s great to have dreams of playing at a particular school or division level but don’t get too consumed with schools that are out of reach academically or athletically. Put the majority of your research into schools that are within your reach so that you have options when the time comes to making a decision.
If you have any questions about building your resume, researching schools or contacting coaches you may reach Brandi at bjackson@pkbgt.org. You can also sign up for Recruit PKB packages here.