While I know it may be tough as a parent to want to help your son or daughter through this process to make sure they get everything done in a timely manner, it is very important that players write ALL of their emails. I know their schedules can get really busy and recruiting tasks may get put aside for school work and practice, but parents writing emails for the recruit is a major red flag among the college coaches.

There are several reasons that it is important for the player to write the emails:

🚩 Once the coach meets or talks to the player and their language and ability to speak doesn’t match up to their emails then a coach is going to see through it.

🚩 The player needs to learn the responsibility of keeping up with the emails and replying in a timely manner, a skill they must have once they get to college and communicate with professors, coaches, and athletic staff

🚩 If a player really wants the opportunity to make a good impression on a coach and play for that program, the least she can do is write the emails and reply to the coach.

If you want to help your daughter, here are two ways to do that:

✔️ Hold them accountable for replying back, it is ok to remind them or set a deadline, just don’t ever do it for them.

✔️ Look over the emails for major grammar errors or wording issues, but don’t make the corrections for them. Instead, highlight or point them out and allow the recruit to make the necessary changes so that they learn from their mistakes.


RecruitPKB College Consultant Brandi Jackson can be reached at bjackson@pkbgt.org