A complete golfer is a player who maximizes their current skills and fundamentals to their fullest potential. They learn how to practice efficiently, develop short-game creativity, manage their way around the course, minimize their mistakes, and remain mentally tough. Proper technique with a golf swing is only one of the many elements of a successful golfer. If you ask a college coach what most junior golfers lack when they arrive on campus, the response tends to center around short game, work ethic, course management, being coachable and mental toughness. It is rarely skill and technique level. The complete golfer also understands that proper nutrition, exercise, time management, a good attitude, and a balanced life are all a part of being a successful golfer.

Becoming a complete golfer takes self-discipline, hard work, and accountability. You must learn how to make each practice session, whether on the practice facility or on the course, have a purpose and a goal. You need to see results and progress, which enables you to build confidence through your practice sessions, not just through tournament play. You must implement better nutrition and exercise to prepare your body for competition. You must improve time management, mental toughness, attitude, balance, and self-discipline in order to prepare your mind for competition. Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and become a complete golfer!

For more information contact Recruit PKB College Consultant Brandi Jackson at bjackson@pkbgt.org