RecruitPKB: Learn to Quiet the Don’ts

One of the best ways to retrain your mind on the golf course is to always think about what you want to "do" and never about what you "don't" want to do. This may seem like such a simple concept but if you start to pay close attention you would be amazed at how many times you think in the "don't" sense instead of the "do". How many times do you tell yourself "don't leave this putt short"? Then you proceed to either leave it short or knock it 5ft by the hole. Or you tell yourself, "don't hit in the hazard". Then you proceed to either hit in the hazard or you hook/block a shot to avoid it. According to Bob Rotella, "the brain doesn't understand don't". When you tell your brain not to do something you are actually putting a more visual focus on that [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:22-04:00January 15th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Game Assessment & Recruiting Workshop

Join RecruitPKB College Consultant Brandi Jackson for a One-Day Game Assessment & RecruitPKB College Recruiting Workshop on Monday, February 15th, following the Rocket Tour Players at University of Georgia Golf Course. The workshop will be conducted at the UGA Collegiate Golf facilities and the schedule will include: 8:30-9:00: Check In 9:00-10:00: Game Planning for 2016 Session (parents asked to attend): Small group discussion of tournament scheduling, travel tips, navigating the rankings, goal setting, time management 10:00-11:30: Short Game Assessment: Calculated measuring system to determine a player's current short game ability and provide a trackable chart for improvement with recommendations 11:30-12:00: Goal setting session: Girls will complete a specific goal setting exercise and have the opportunity to build their own vision board 12:00-12:30: Lunch 12:30-1:00: Golf Nutrition and Fitness: Understand the importance of proper nutrition on and off the golf course, plus some general golf specific exercises and warm up routines 1:00-2:30: [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:50:59-04:00January 10th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Warm-up For Injury Free Power

This article is part of guest series to the RecruitPKB "Complete Golfer" program by Chris Finn, owner of Par4Success in Cary, North Carolina.  ---  RecruitPKB Perform: Warm-up For Injury Free Power With the season underway I have been getting a lot of questions in the past month about what my juniors can do to increase their distance in the short term while their strength is improving over the long term. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to answer the loaded question with one of the many options as my response is usually, “Well, it depends.” There was a study done recently that looked at the effects of how golfers warmed up and what effect that had on their power output, if any. The study started by having everyone go out and hit golf balls without a warm up and their performance was measured. The next day, the [...]

By |2018-03-21T20:45:20-04:00January 9th, 2016|Physical Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Set Your Goals for 2016

As we kick off 2016, it’s the perfect time to set your goals for the new year. But by “goals”, I don’t just mean your New Year’s resolutions stating that you want to do something better next year, I am talking about very specific process goals. Yes, you need big picture outcome goals such as scoring milestones, tournament finishes, your dream university, etc to keep you motivated and driven to reach the end result that you are working towards, but when setting goals you need to be very specific in what you need to do day in and day out, week in and week out, in order to achieve those big outcome goals. I had a lesson in goal setting myself recently that I thought I would share to help encourage you to set your goals for 2016. All the way back to my college golf days, [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:58-04:00January 2nd, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Your Strength Window – Don’t Miss It

This article is part of guest series to the RecruitPKB "Complete Golfer" program by Chris Finn, owner of Par4Success in Cary, North Carolina.  --- RecruitPKB Perform: Your Strength Window - Don’t Miss It You will only swing as fast as you can control. That is our mantra with all of our juniors and all golfers. Just as you would not expect the brakes in a 1998 Toyota Corolla to stop a Ferrari Engine pushing a car to 200 mph, you can’t expect untrained hip and core muscles to control a 100+mph swing. This brings me to our topic of the month, strength and stability training in juniors. There exists a window of opportunity in all developing juniors that occurs between the ages of 1317 that is often called the strength window. This is a time when developmentally the body has an influx in hormones that allow us [...]

By |2018-03-21T20:45:32-04:00January 2nd, 2016|Physical Performance Articles|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Prepare to be Great

This article is part of guest series to the RecruitPKB "Complete Golfer" program by Chris Finn, owner of Par4Success in Cary, North Carolina. --- RecruitPKB Perform: Prepare to be Great Fact #1: 95% of United States junior golfers today will not play competitive golf beyond High School. Fact #2: The international talent in college golf and on the PGA and LPGA Tours has exploded. These two statements may not seem related, but they are so closely intertwined they might as well be one. Experts believe that the rise in international success on the Tours is due to a shift that has taken place at the developmental levels internationally and is lagging here in the United States; Long Term Athletic Development. Many international countries have adopted Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) programs and the results are astounding when you look at population size compared to worldwide wins (South [...]

By |2018-03-21T20:45:45-04:00December 26th, 2015|Physical Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Womens Golf Breakdown

Here is an updated breakdown of the average scores that a college coach looks for with their recruits. Keep in mind these are general guidelines, some variations and exceptions are possible. Click on image to enlarge. Examples of national tours/tourneys: PKBGT Invitationals and Championships, AJGA Invitationals and Championships, USGA, PGA Jr Championship, Big I Championship, Optimist International, etc Examples of regional tours/tourneys: PKBGT, HJGT, SJGT, FCG, IJGT, Golfweek Jr Tour, etc

By |2017-09-13T11:51:00-04:00December 23rd, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: It Takes More Than Just Talent

“It’s not about how talented you are, it’s about how hard you work to make the most of the talent you were given” –  Me   This may sound crazy, but one of the biggest detriments to a young player’s development is being told how talented they are. Check out this short video about motivation and hard work. I was one of those players who had a very natural talent for golf from an early age. I didn’t have to be taught a lot of mechanics, early in my golf career swing coaches wouldn’t make any changes to my swing except a few tweaks to my setup if it got off. I could naturally figure out how to properly swing the club, work the ball, creatively get myself out of trouble and hit different short game shots around the green without thinking much about mechanics.   Now [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:58-04:00December 10th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Know Your Yardages

  "They don't take enough club.... most of the time they don't know exactly how far they actually hit the ball" - Morgan Pressel Check out this VIDEO of LPGA players talking about the mistake they see amateurs (which includes junior golfers) make the most often. Knowing your yardages can seem like such a simple concept yet I continue to see it be the reason for lost shots over and over again with junior golfers. Sometimes it's ego getting in the way when a player thinks they carry the ball farther than they actually do, other times it is just not really knowing the average carry number.  Learning the average yardage for each club can make a major difference in your game, especially when you face tough elements, such as elevation, temperature change, wind and adrenaline. Also learning to factor in that sometimes you need to take 2 [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:59-04:00November 27th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Juniors Recruiting Primer

  Junior year for a prospective student athlete is similar to what the pros like to call “moving day”. Saturday of a professional event is the day pros try to make their move up the leader board. They spend the first two days insuring they at least make the cut, and then it’s moving time on Saturday. Juniors need to take the same approach with their recruiting. Register for the NCAA Eligibility Center and make sure you take your ACT and/or SAT as soon as possible, many coaches need to know your scores before they can recruit you or make an offer. If you don't have your resume together at this stage you need to get it completed ASAP. Make sure your resume includes all of the necessary information that a coach needs to know, along with a good recruiting video. Begin to research potential good fits. You can [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:51:00-04:00November 24th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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