RecruitPKB Front2020-01-15T19:22:34-05:00

What is the RecruitPKB platform?

The path to collegiate golf can be difficult and intimidating. The first step in the recruiting process is establishing a game plan. That is where we come in. We are here to help you understand the process and help you achieve your dreams of playing college golf.

RecruitPKB offers a way to connect current PKBGT players with opportunities in the collegiate game. This new service offers advice from our college consultant, insight into the recruiting experience and ways to become a more complete golfer. Our network of over 650 PKBGT alumni in the college ranks along with our resource center can help you on your way to playing college golf.

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Learn From Our Experts

RecruitPKB: Prepare for Coach Calls

As the coach communication process officially kicked off on June 15th for 2026 recruits and continues to heat up for 2025 recruits who still trying to find a college golf home, phone calls are very important. Since an initial call could be your one shot at earning a spot on the coach's potential recruit list you need to make sure you are prepared. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for that initial call: Have questions written down that you would like to ask the coach. Make sure these questions are relevant to the current timing of the process. Have some insight and facts about the school, golf program, coach, and team available for reference and talking points. Have some answers for potential questions that a coach may ask you. Be sure you have thought through your answers and they are honest and personal to you, not what you expect the coach to want to hear. Try to allow the conversation to [...]

RecruitPKB: Biggest Piece of Advice from a College Coach

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What is your biggest piece of advice for young ladies going through this process? Be open-minded I would suggest that they not play tournaments strictly with a focus on college placement. It starts to feel like work and generally leads to worse results. Just play the game with passion and let the chips fall where they fall. Stay open. Communicate. Network with players at schools where you want to attend. Enjoy the process and don't forget to be a kid and enjoy your time in HS. Too many show signs of too much stress and not enough enjoyment of the process and life in general. Also, show me that you actually love golf. And [...]

RecruitPKB: It’s Finally Here – June 15

For all of you 2026 recruits who have been waiting, now is your time! Starting June 15th, college coaches can now communicate with you via email, text, phone, and video chats. Hopefully, you have already taken the initiative to reach out to them over the last few months. While the communication begins on their end, the expectation for you to initiate communication has been there for months now. Keep in mind though that not everyone is going to hear from coaches on this date. For some top-ranked recruits who are being recruited by the top-ranked golf programs, it's a bit more of a sprint, for all of the others it's more of a marathon that is likely to continue throughout junior year and into senior year. Also, many coaches at the lower DI, DII, DIII, and NAIA levels are still working to finish up 2025 recruiting and aren't focused on 2026 just yet. And if your resume isn't quite realistic for the programs [...]

RecruitPKB: Stats and Data Coaches Want to See

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What do you look for and want to see regarding stats and data that a player can provide? Course yardages from tournaments are helpful Launch/speed/carry info is helpful Clubhead speed!! Any trackman information with driver and 7 iron would be great. Not too much. Clearly distance is a bonus, but mostly start with scoring. Tournament results (good and bad). Trackman yardages (7i & Driver). Scoring, yardages, a nice swing video Again...simple basics. Scores, finish, tournament name, yardage. Kind of on the opposite of this...I actually don't mind seeing Trackman/Flightscope type data. Especially if it shows how far they hit each club.     If you need any assistance please contact Recruit PKB College Recruiting [...]

RecruitPKB: Red Flags in the Process

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What is the biggest red flag you see among the girls and/or the parents? Too much focus on big name schools and parents too involved Big turnoff to me if I sense that a profile is created and managed by a parent (parent email addresses, etc.). It's important to see that the athlete is ready to step out as a young adult without parents hovering. Parents taking over the process. They won't be playing for us. Too much parental involvement. And not enough excitement. Don't be afraid to tell a coach you love their school if you love it. And we can tell if you are not being authentic. Signs of lack of toughness [...]

RecruitPKB: Coach Communication Etiquette Tips

A few quick tips for improving your coach communications etiquette Email Etiquette: Always address the coach specifically and have a greeting to start the email Check your grammar and spelling Make sure you attach any documents Have an appropriate email address Create multiple paragraphs instead of one big chunk of an email Reply in a timely manner Reply to coaches with a nicely written email saying thank you but that you aren't interested for schools that reach out but that you aren't interested in pursuing Phone or Video Call Etiquette: Sit up straight and be attentive and enthusiastic Smile and be engaging (even on a phone call) Try to avoid the Uhs and Ums Have questions and topics to discuss Good manners and show gratitude for their time Don't have a lot of background noise Etiquette on Visits: Be on time Good handshake, look the coach in the eyes, and smile Sit up straight Speak for yourself and be prepared with questions and answers [...]

RecruitPKB: 13 Years of Brandi Jackson Golf

This past week I celebrated 13 years since I launched Brandi Jackson Golf. I took some time to share why I decided to launch this business.... The truth is I had no plans to ever do anything besides play professional golf, from the ripe age of about 9 years old all I wanted to do was play golf for a living, that was it. Thankfully I was a good student but never came up with a career path other than one that led to the LPGA Tour. After 4 years of college golf at Furman University, where I finished with a successful senior year stint as the NCAA East Regional Champion and a berth to the NCAA National Championships, along with earning All-American honors and SoCon Player of the Year plus a US Womens Am Runner-Up finish, I began my pro golf career. After a handful of Futures Tour (now the Epson Tour) events I was ready for LPGA Q-School where I managed a [...]

RecruitPKB: Practice with a Purpose

“Always have quality practices. Don't just beat balls. Staying on the range all day does you no good if nothing is accomplished.” - Division 2 Women's Coach Learning to practice with a purpose is a skill most junior golfers don't learn until they reach college. It is difficult to have the accountability, structure, and motivation to truly practice with a purpose as a young golfer. But for those players who can learn to achieve this at an earlier age will quickly see improvements in their game and be more prepared for college golf. Have a plan of action every day you go to the golf course: Before you even step foot onto the golf course or practice facility write down what you would like to accomplish that day. Simply writing it down will create some accountability and motivation. The more specific you are about your goals the better you will see the results. Never practice without a purpose: If you don't have a purpose [...]

RecruitPKB: A Look at DI Collegiate Averages

While this process has a great deal of subjectivity to it, I've come to appreciate data and numbers more over the years. This is a chart compiled of the average scores for the top 5 individuals from a mix of DI programs (through March 27th of the 2023-2024 fall and spring seasons). Typically collegiate tournaments at this level are played from approximately 6000-6200 yards. Also, collegiate tournaments are set up more difficult with pin placements, faster greens, and overall tougher conditions given the time of year that collegiate golf is played (not summer golf weather). And the added pressure of your coach and teammates counting on you heightens the stress level just a bit when you step on that first tee each time. Many times you will hear a coach say they are trying to recruit to replace their #2 or #3 players on the team, this is how they get better from one year to another. Yes, it may seem they have unrealistic [...]

RecruitPKB: How to say I am not interested

I've had this question asked several times by players over the years, "how do I tell a coach that I am not interested?".  This may be a question you face at different stages of communication with a coach so I wanted to address a couple of scenarios and give you some insight into how I have my players address this topic. If you receive an initial email from a coach at a school that you know you would not attend no matter what, it is still common courtesy to send a reply back. Even if your resume is much stronger than the girls who play for that program, NEVER think you are better than the players, the school, or the coach. We have all been at different stages in our games, we all have different goals of playing (and coaching) college golf and many coaches work tirelessly to try and recruit better players so the least you can do is show them the respect of [...]

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