RecruitPKB: What’s Next as an Uncommitted 2025 Recruit?

As an uncommitted 2025 recruit more than likely you have played tournaments all summer, kept coaches up to date, maybe had some phone calls with them, maybe even been given some offers, taken some visits and now you are wondering what to do next. This is a part of the process that does get very specific to each individual recruit and their situation but I want to share a few thoughts to guide you. As you head into the start of senior year I'm sure some anxiety has set in as you near the end of the process and hopefully make your decision soon. If you are receiving offers make sure you don't rush your decision. Consider all of your options, ask plenty of questions, and draw up a comparison list. Keep in mind, rarely does a recruit get all of their wants and compromises typically have [...]

By |2024-08-06T18:37:03-04:00August 5th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: What’s Next as a 2026 Recruit?

As a 2026 recruit, the next few months do get very specific to each individual recruit and their situation but I want to share a few thoughts to guide you. As you head into the start of junior year I'm sure you have some excitement as you wrap up the first summer of the recruiting process being active. For some of you, if you played really well this summer (as a general rule of thumb, you averaged under 75 in state and national tournaments), then you have potentially generated interest from the coaches who are actively recruiting 2026 recruits. If so you may be asked on some visits this fall and could even make your decision. Keep in mind, that it is a small percentage of all 2026 recruits who will make their decision this fall, so don't stress if you aren't in that phase of the [...]

By |2024-07-31T08:24:40-04:00July 31st, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Video on Verbal Commitments

A few weeks ago I shared an article about verbal commitments vs signing the NLI. In case you missed that or you prefer to watch videos instead of read articles I posted a short video that goes into some detail about these two topics. WATCH HERE       If you need any assistance please contact Recruit PKB College Recruiting Consultant Brandi Jackson at

By |2024-07-24T12:59:41-04:00July 24th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Coach Advice on Social Media

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What are the best ways for the girls to use social media during the process? What are ways that turn coaches off? Turn off- no golf at all on their socials Updates on schedules and finishes. Use it to show your personality off and show what makes you tick. When it feels like you are following a script or posting because you "have to", that's not ideal. Quick access to swing videos. Glimpse of who you are as a person and what your interests are. Just be yourself. We love learning about you as a great junior [...]

By |2024-07-11T08:29:33-04:00July 11th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Identifying Golf IQ

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What are some examples that you look for to help identify good golf IQ and players who can compete and get better at the next level? I love to watch players during their rough rounds. College golf will likely be more challenging than their prior experiences, so if they cannot handle failure before college..... Attitude on the course. Bouncebacks. Proper club choices. Sending it. When we receive a round/event recap that feels like it's from the recruit, vs a parent/coach. Being able to talk about golf in general and various aspects of shots/rounds/prep. Being able to talk [...]

By |2024-07-02T21:04:27-04:00July 2nd, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Prepare for Coach Calls

As the coach communication process officially kicked off on June 15th for 2026 recruits and continues to heat up for 2025 recruits who still trying to find a college golf home, phone calls are very important. Since an initial call could be your one shot at earning a spot on the coach's potential recruit list you need to make sure you are prepared. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for that initial call: Have questions written down that you would like to ask the coach. Make sure these questions are relevant to the current timing of the process. Have some insight and facts about the school, golf program, coach, and team available for reference and talking points. Have some answers for potential questions that a coach may ask you. Be sure you have thought through your answers and they are honest and personal to [...]

By |2024-06-18T11:05:31-04:00June 17th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Biggest Piece of Advice from a College Coach

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What is your biggest piece of advice for young ladies going through this process? Be open-minded I would suggest that they not play tournaments strictly with a focus on college placement. It starts to feel like work and generally leads to worse results. Just play the game with passion and let the chips fall where they fall. Stay open. Communicate. Network with players at schools where you want to attend. Enjoy the process and don't forget to be a kid and enjoy your time in HS. Too many show signs of too much stress and not enough [...]

By |2024-06-10T15:00:56-04:00June 10th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: It’s Finally Here – June 15

For all of you 2026 recruits who have been waiting, now is your time! Starting June 15th, college coaches can now communicate with you via email, text, phone, and video chats. Hopefully, you have already taken the initiative to reach out to them over the last few months. While the communication begins on their end, the expectation for you to initiate communication has been there for months now. Keep in mind though that not everyone is going to hear from coaches on this date. For some top-ranked recruits who are being recruited by the top-ranked golf programs, it's a bit more of a sprint, for all of the others it's more of a marathon that is likely to continue throughout junior year and into senior year. Also, many coaches at the lower DI, DII, DIII, and NAIA levels are still working to finish up 2025 recruiting [...]

By |2024-06-18T11:02:57-04:00June 7th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Stats and Data Coaches Want to See

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What do you look for and want to see regarding stats and data that a player can provide? Course yardages from tournaments are helpful Launch/speed/carry info is helpful Clubhead speed!! Any trackman information with driver and 7 iron would be great. Not too much. Clearly distance is a bonus, but mostly start with scoring. Tournament results (good and bad). Trackman yardages (7i & Driver). Scoring, yardages, a nice swing video Again...simple basics. Scores, finish, tournament name, yardage. Kind of on the opposite of this...I actually don't mind seeing Trackman/Flightscope type data. Especially if it shows how far [...]

By |2024-06-04T20:44:15-04:00June 4th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Red Flags in the Process

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses. Question: What is the biggest red flag you see among the girls and/or the parents? Too much focus on big name schools and parents too involved Big turnoff to me if I sense that a profile is created and managed by a parent (parent email addresses, etc.). It's important to see that the athlete is ready to step out as a young adult without parents hovering. Parents taking over the process. They won't be playing for us. Too much parental involvement. And not enough excitement. Don't be afraid to tell a coach you love their school if you [...]

By |2024-05-28T19:46:39-04:00May 28th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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