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RecruitPKB Packages

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RecruitPKB: 13 Years of Brandi Jackson Golf

This past week I celebrated 13 years since I launched Brandi Jackson Golf. I took some time to share why I decided to launch this business.... The truth is I had no plans to ever do anything besides play professional golf, from the ripe age of about 9 years old all I wanted to do was play golf for a living, that was it. [...]

RecruitPKB: A Look at DI Collegiate Averages

While this process has a great deal of subjectivity to it, I've come to appreciate data and numbers more over the years. This is a chart compiled of the average scores for the top 5 individuals from a mix of DI programs (through March 27th of the 2023-2024 fall and spring seasons). Typically collegiate tournaments at this level are played from approximately 6000-6200 yards. [...]

RecruitPKB: How to say I am not interested

I've had this question asked several times by players over the years, "how do I tell a coach that I am not interested?".  This may be a question you face at different stages of communication with a coach so I wanted to address a couple of scenarios and give you some insight into how I have my players address this topic. If you receive [...]

RecruitPKB: Recruiting Green Flag #2

Showing your interest in the program you are contacting is a definite green flag in the process. This is certainly easier at some programs if you have grown up as a fan of that particular school/program as opposed to just learning about it but you can still find ways. During the season you can always reach out about their current schedule and tourneys. Follow [...]

RecruitPKB: Recruiting Green Flag #1

Your willingness to include scores (good and bad) on your resume and emails is a huge green flag. Coaches LOVE to see scores and they LOVE transparency, honesty, and when you make things EASY for them! If you only tell them how you finished that doesn’t tell them anything. If you only give them your best scores that doesn’t show them the overall tourney [...]

RecruitPKB: What You Think You Deserve

"Golf is the one sport that doesn't give you what you 'think you deserve'." - Danielle Kang In consulting young female golfers who are extremely hard-working, intelligent, and disciplined I see their struggles with expectations and perfectionism on the golf course. So many of these young ladies have the mentality that when you study hard you expect to get good grades, therefore if you [...]

RecruitPKB: Practice with a Purpose

“Always have quality practices. Don't just beat balls. Staying on the range all day does you no good if nothing is accomplished.” - Division 2 Women's Coach Learning to practice with a purpose is a skill most junior golfers don't learn until they reach college. It is difficult to have the accountability, structure, and motivation to truly practice with a purpose as a young [...]

Recruit PKB: Practice Rounds

Last week's article talked about the difference between practice rounds and tournament rounds for scoring. Below are some thoughts on ways to maximize your time during a practice round and better prepare for the tournament. Please keep in mind that this is not to encourage slow play during a practice round nor break any rules that a junior tour has enforced regarding practice rounds. [...]

RecruitPKB: Favorite Putting Drill

One of my favorite putting drills from my college and professional days is something very simple but extremely effective at building confidence and putting a little bit of pressure on making those short putts when it counts. There are several different variations of this one drill which is why I like it so much. Below are a few options to get you started. 3, [...]

PerformPKB: Making practice more effective, efficient and productive

My Why- To do everything I can to give every player the best opportunity possible to accomplish their dreams and goals. My belief is that helping a player involves the technical and mechanical aspects (including having the proper clubs), the physical, and the psychological (including strategy).   I believe strongly in the process of improving, and I believe this process is greatly enhanced by measuring [...]

By |February 26th, 2019|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Challenge Yourself

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" This is just one of the many great quotes about the necessary impact of facing challenges. This is quite possibly one of the most truthful quotes you can find about life. You can also easily apply it to golf and your development as a player. I could sit and write for hours about this quote [...]

RecruitPKB: Long Term vs Short Term vs Process Goals

Last week I talked about the importance of knowing the "why" behind your goals and now this week I want to talk about the difference between long term, short term, and process goals. All three are important but knowing the difference and which ones to focus on can be the difference in achieving them or not. Goals are normally thought of as future achievements. [...]

PerformPKB: Top 3 Differences between Tour Pros and World Long Drive

When it comes to swinging fast and hitting the ball far, names like Dustin Johnson, Lexi Thompson and Brooks Koepka come to mind.  When I hear that, however, I have one question that always comes to my mind… Why are people talking about people who don’t crack 130 mph?   On the World Long Drive, if you swing under 140 mph you aren’t even [...]

By |March 1st, 2019|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

PerformPKB: How Fast Do You Need to Swing to Play College Golf?

Playing college golf is the dream of most competitive junior golfers and their parents. There is tons of time, effort and money spent on the endeavor to give the junior golfer every possible opportunity to improve, learn and perform at their highest level. There are many unknowns for parents and the players as they start this endeavor, however. One of the biggest challenges every [...]

By |March 1st, 2019|Tags: , , |0 Comments

PerformPKB: Golf Fitness Online-Does It Work and Is It Safe for Juniors?

How do you know if an online fitness program is any good? What is the difference from one to another? Are there different types of online fitness programs? Everywhere you look there is a new app or program to train remotely on your own, even programs specific for golf!  Technology and the internet have created an ecosystem where you can learn from trainers and coaches on [...]

By |January 29th, 2019|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

PerformPKB: Balance Hurts Swing Speed in Junior Golfers

Should you be working on balance in the gym? Does it even matter for junior golfers?   Balance is just a problem that senior golfers have, right? Hmmmm... We all know that it takes a combination of the upper body and lower body coordinating together to have an effective golf swing. However, one aspect often overlooked in golf is how we transfer from the [...]

By |January 29th, 2019|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

PerformPKB: Top Three Exercises Junior Golfers Do Wrong

There are so many exercises that a junior golfer can choose from when designing their workouts that it is overwhelming. Just of all the exercises, in the past year, that have been demonstrated in magazines, on television and, of course, on YouTube and anywhere else you consume your social media. The crazy thing is that these outlets probably don’t even combine to create an [...]

By |January 29th, 2019|Tags: |0 Comments

PerformPKB: Need to Knows to Increase Club Speed this Winter

When it comes to increasing a golfer’s length off the tee, there is only really one number that matters...ball speed.  Once you have achieved the ball speed you want, then it is all about optimizing the launch angle etc that will maximize the distance for you off the tee. That being said, there are a few things that go into creating the ball speed [...]

By |November 1st, 2018|0 Comments
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