RecruitPKB: It’s Finally Here – June 15

For all of you 2026 recruits who have been waiting, now is your time! Starting June 15th, college coaches can now communicate with you via email, text, phone, and video chats. Hopefully, you have already taken the initiative to reach out to them over the last few months. While the communication begins on their end, the expectation for you to initiate communication has been there for months now. Keep in mind though that not everyone is going to hear from coaches on this date. For some top-ranked recruits who are being recruited by the top-ranked golf programs, it's a bit more of a sprint, for all of the others it's more of a marathon that is likely to continue throughout junior year and into senior year. Also, many coaches at the lower DI, DII, DIII, and NAIA levels are still working to finish up 2025 recruiting [...]

By |2024-06-18T11:02:57-04:00June 7th, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Practice with a Purpose

“Always have quality practices. Don't just beat balls. Staying on the range all day does you no good if nothing is accomplished.” - Division 2 Women's Coach Learning to practice with a purpose is a skill most junior golfers don't learn until they reach college. It is difficult to have the accountability, structure, and motivation to truly practice with a purpose as a young golfer. But for those players who can learn to achieve this at an earlier age will quickly see improvements in their game and be more prepared for college golf. Have a plan of action every day you go to the golf course: Before you even step foot onto the golf course or practice facility write down what you would like to accomplish that day. Simply writing it down will create some accountability and motivation. The more specific you are about your goals the [...]

By |2024-04-12T13:32:13-04:00April 11th, 2024|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Tournament Schedule Insight

I often get asked advice on which tournaments/tours and how many tournaments a junior golfer should play. I wanted to share some of my advice on why this isn't a question that has a simple answer. There is not a "one size fits all" plan when it comes to tournament scheduling because all players have different goals, expectations, resume, family demands, priorities, and financial means that determine what a tourney schedule should look like. A few factors that dictate variations in tournament schedules include (but are not limited to): A player's goals for playing college golf and her current tournament resume will dictate the quality and quantity of playing in tournaments. This has varying ranges as the number of tournaments is likely important at one stage of your development. Then it does become a bit more about the quality of tournaments over the quantity once you [...]

By |2024-02-01T13:57:26-05:00February 1st, 2024|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone has had a great holiday season and enjoyed your time with family and friends.  This is a great time to reflect on the accomplishments of 2023 and begin to plan for 2024. To all of those who signed NLIs or verbally committed to play college golf, I want to say a big congratulations. To those who may have chosen a different path with their futures, I also want to say a big congratulations. College golf may not be the correct route for everyone young golfer but you have still worked hard and made a big decision in your life. To all of those young girls who have practiced till it was dark, gotten up before sunrise for an early tee time or workout, braved the cold/wind/rain, and kept their heads up after a bad round, I want to say congratulations. You [...]

By |2023-12-14T10:19:53-05:00December 28th, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: When a Parent Should talk to a Coach

Parents have been told over and over that they should allow their children to take the initiative with the recruiting process and do all of the communication. I recently shared a similar tip on my Instagram as well. While this is true, it has caused many parents to believe that they should never interact with the coaches during the process. However, there comes a time during the process when the parents should feel comfortable asking the coaches some questions. Parents certainly need to be involved as the offers are given and it's closer to decision-making time, especially when the topic of money is discussed. Parents may have to be honest with their child and coach about the amount of scholarship they will need to get their child to that school. This is certainly an acceptable conversation for the parent and coach to have before any decision [...]

By |2023-11-30T15:10:39-05:00November 29th, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Why Won’t The Coach Reply?

First, we are going to assume the NCAA rules allow the coach to respond (current 2024 and 2025 recruits). Once that is established there are several reasons why you may not get responses with the most common usually being that you aren’t being realistic with the strength of the golf program. But here are a few reasons why the coach may not be responding to your attempts to contact them: 1. The golf program isn’t realistic for your resume 2. Your academics aren’t strong enough for the school 3. It was a poorly written intro email 4. Your resume doesn’t have all the necessary info 5. They are done with your recruiting class 6. They are busy and just not focused on recruiting 7. They just simply aren’t interested or not seeking out new prospects I know it’s very frustrating to not receive responses back from [...]

By |2023-11-16T15:10:27-05:00November 15th, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Excellence over Perfection

"Perfection is motivated by fear. Excellence is motivated by love." One thing I've come to notice in the 14 years of consulting, evaluating, and watching female golfers, is their tendency to seek perfection in the game of golf. The girls have a mentality that makes them fear they are going to do something wrong or that if it's not perfect then it's not good enough. They expect every shot to be perfect. They worry a bad shot or missed putt means they made a mistake. They worry about what will happen if they miss a green. Or if they make a double bogey. Or if they hit it OB. They fear they are letting their coach or their parents down. They fear they won't get recruited to play college golf. Instead of seeking perfection on the golf course, focus on seeking excellence. Excellence is driven by [...]

By |2023-07-13T14:53:43-04:00July 12th, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Don’t Take It Personally, Learn From It Instead

One of the tougher parts about advising young girls through the college recruiting process (and even college grads who come back to me for advice on internships and job interviews) is the rejection and disappointment of not being recruited or offered a scholarship or position on the team. Not having the scores is usually a pretty obvious and understandable reason that can somewhat easily be accepted by a young golfer. But when a young golfer finds out that a friend of theirs, or rival player, or someone whose scores weren’t as good as theirs, ends up getting recruited or offered then it can be very difficult to not take it personally and wonder what you did wrong. Well after almost 14 years of working in this industry, I wanted to share some of the reasons and insight into why this might happen and how you can [...]

By |2023-06-14T16:29:52-04:00June 10th, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Parent Role in the Process

In case you missed the most recent RecruitPKB webinar you can watch the full version at the link below. But I wanted to share just a few highlights that we discussed: It isn't always easy to help your daughter be realistic about her college golf options, but also continue to support her goals for dream schools. Try to find that balance with doing research on the programs and encourage her to keep her options as that will help her begin to build relationships and communication with coaches as her game continues to develop. Let her create a resume and intro email with only your guidance and review, don't do that for her. These are both skills she is going to need down the road, even in college, so she needs to learn them now. Allow her to conduct the majority of the coach communications (emails, phone calls, [...]

By |2023-02-02T15:53:44-05:00February 2nd, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Being Honest With The College Coaches

As you get into the college recruiting process the hope is that you will have the opportunity to build a relationship with several coaches and eventually receive multiple offers. As this part of the process arises, there will come some concerns about what should you share with each coach and what is not in your best interest to share with them. First let's talk about how much the college coaches, as well as people like myself who are in this same segment of the golf business, know each other and talk amongst themselves. Many of the coaches have known each other for years, whether it be from their time as college coaches or as far back as earlier playing days. I spend a good bit of time staying in touch with and talking to coaches who I played against in college and professional golf. So trust me [...]

By |2023-01-26T15:17:39-05:00January 26th, 2023|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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