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RecruitPKB Packages

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RecruitPKB: 13 Years of Brandi Jackson Golf

This past week I celebrated 13 years since I launched Brandi Jackson Golf. I took some time to share why I decided to launch this business.... The truth is I had no plans to ever do anything besides play professional golf, from the ripe age of about 9 years old all I wanted to do was play golf for a living, that was it. [...]

RecruitPKB: A Look at DI Collegiate Averages

While this process has a great deal of subjectivity to it, I've come to appreciate data and numbers more over the years. This is a chart compiled of the average scores for the top 5 individuals from a mix of DI programs (through March 27th of the 2023-2024 fall and spring seasons). Typically collegiate tournaments at this level are played from approximately 6000-6200 yards. [...]

RecruitPKB: How to say I am not interested

I've had this question asked several times by players over the years, "how do I tell a coach that I am not interested?".  This may be a question you face at different stages of communication with a coach so I wanted to address a couple of scenarios and give you some insight into how I have my players address this topic. If you receive [...]

RecruitPKB: Recruiting Green Flag #2

Showing your interest in the program you are contacting is a definite green flag in the process. This is certainly easier at some programs if you have grown up as a fan of that particular school/program as opposed to just learning about it but you can still find ways. During the season you can always reach out about their current schedule and tourneys. Follow [...]

RecruitPKB: Recruiting Green Flag #1

Your willingness to include scores (good and bad) on your resume and emails is a huge green flag. Coaches LOVE to see scores and they LOVE transparency, honesty, and when you make things EASY for them! If you only tell them how you finished that doesn’t tell them anything. If you only give them your best scores that doesn’t show them the overall tourney [...]

RecruitPKB: What You Think You Deserve

"Golf is the one sport that doesn't give you what you 'think you deserve'." - Danielle Kang In consulting young female golfers who are extremely hard-working, intelligent, and disciplined I see their struggles with expectations and perfectionism on the golf course. So many of these young ladies have the mentality that when you study hard you expect to get good grades, therefore if you [...]

PerformPKB: Shaping YOUR Success

Shaping YOUR Success is a new PerformPKB series where current players and former PKBGT alumni express their thoughts on the increasing importance of physical fitness, training and nutrition as they progress through the levels of competition in tournament golf and into their collegiate golf programs. Read as players who were once in your shoes share their firsthand experiences on how training with PerformPKB prepared [...]

RecruitPKB: Trying Out Competitive Golf Again

For those who may follow my social media (@bjacksongolf) you probably saw that I decided to play some competitive golf again for the first time in almost 8 years. My last full season was in 2009 where I played 11 LPGA Tour events that year and the rest on the Symetra Tour, then I only played a handful of events on the Symetra Tour [...]

RecruitPKB: Ladder Drill

No matter how good of a short game you may have, it never hurts to work on basic fundamentals. This ladder drill is a great way to work on consistency with your chipping. If you can't consistently land the golf ball where you want to on the green then you are keeping yourself from maximizing your potential. There are several different ways to keep [...]

RecruitPKB: Masters Takeaways

One of the best takeaways a young player can get from Masters week is to watch the Masters on the Range coverage. If you don't get a chance to watch, here are a few takeaways from how the pros warm up: 📌 Most aren’t going to get too technical the morning of a tournament round 📌 They focus on balance and tempo with their [...]

PerformPKB: How Should I Spend My Practice Time – Part 2

In Part 1, we analyzed how to measure your performance to provide context and data to develop a practice plan.  Knowing what to practice and how much time to spend in the different facets of the game particular to your scoring and shot patterns sets you up for success.  Now, you will need to understand the various different ways you can practice and what [...]

By |March 28th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: How Should I Spend My Practice Time – Part 1

Practice is essential in improving, but most players fail to practice effectively or efficiently.  I look at data to help analyze how I can help improve a players practice.   Every tournament player that I coach I suggest them to use, a statistical analysis program designed by Peter Sanders.  By tracking data, we receive similar data to what the PGA Tour players can get.  [...]

By |March 21st, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: A Professional Golfer Likes a Challenge – Here’s Why

When everyone else is doing one thing and you believe in something different, do you have the courage to challenge everyone else, stick to your belief, and fight for it? Seriously, think about the last time you were in a situation where everyone agreed on one idea, activity, or way of doing things and you didn’t necessarily agree. Did you go along with everyone [...]

By |September 18th, 2018|Tags: , |0 Comments

PerformPKB: Mind Over Matter for the Competitive Athlete

As a competitive athlete and strength coach, I can say with the utmost confidence that mindset is everything when it comes to performance. Whether you are at the Olympic level, a local athlete, or your average Joe looking to drop a couple lbs, if you are not in a state of mind where you can be motivated, or look to improve day in and [...]

By |September 5th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Rise Above the Competition by Trying Something New

The best note to remember in any competitive setting is that there is a big difference between losing and failing.  In fact, we want to strive to fail because this means we are learning from pushing our boundaries.  Part of daring to be different requires you to try new things as part of your personal growth towards whatever your personal goals are. This can [...]

By |August 23rd, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Train Slow to Swing Fast

*As seen in GOLFWRX* You are probably reading this article because the title made zero sense to you when you read it.  You are probably thinking, “Slow training makes me go fast? Everyone knows you have to train fast if you want to go fast. We have all seen SuperSpeed Golf’s commercials. This guy is an idiot.” With that rationale, not sure I can [...]

By |August 10th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Training Without Time

The secret to successful long term development, improvement, and health in the game of golf is understanding that you only have a finite number of hours to work on your game to get better.  You have to prioritize what is important holistically as a golfer and make the time for those elements. Lessons, practice, equipment education, and fitness are all critical parts of the [...]

By |July 25th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: #1 Thing College Golf Coaches Do to Hurt Their Teams’ Scores and Speed

I have been getting a lot of questions, particularly from collegiate golfers, asking about the benefits of running during the in season. This has always and will continue to be one of the biggest shocks to me.  The short of it is this: a lot of running in season is perhaps the most counter intuitive training that a golfer can do on multiple levels. [...]

By |July 13th, 2018|0 Comments
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