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RecruitPKB Packages

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RecruitPKB: Coach Communication Etiquette Tips

A few quick tips for improving your coach communications etiquette Email Etiquette: Always address the coach specifically and have a greeting to start the email Check your grammar and spelling Make sure you attach any documents Have an appropriate email address Create multiple paragraphs instead of one big chunk of an email Reply in a timely manner Reply to coaches with a nicely written [...]

RecruitPKB: 13 Years of Brandi Jackson Golf

This past week I celebrated 13 years since I launched Brandi Jackson Golf. I took some time to share why I decided to launch this business.... The truth is I had no plans to ever do anything besides play professional golf, from the ripe age of about 9 years old all I wanted to do was play golf for a living, that was it. [...]

RecruitPKB: A Look at DI Collegiate Averages

While this process has a great deal of subjectivity to it, I've come to appreciate data and numbers more over the years. This is a chart compiled of the average scores for the top 5 individuals from a mix of DI programs (through March 27th of the 2023-2024 fall and spring seasons). Typically collegiate tournaments at this level are played from approximately 6000-6200 yards. [...]

RecruitPKB: How to say I am not interested

I've had this question asked several times by players over the years, "how do I tell a coach that I am not interested?".  This may be a question you face at different stages of communication with a coach so I wanted to address a couple of scenarios and give you some insight into how I have my players address this topic. If you receive [...]

RecruitPKB: Recruiting Green Flag #2

Showing your interest in the program you are contacting is a definite green flag in the process. This is certainly easier at some programs if you have grown up as a fan of that particular school/program as opposed to just learning about it but you can still find ways. During the season you can always reach out about their current schedule and tourneys. Follow [...]

RecruitPKB: Recruiting Green Flag #1

Your willingness to include scores (good and bad) on your resume and emails is a huge green flag. Coaches LOVE to see scores and they LOVE transparency, honesty, and when you make things EASY for them! If you only tell them how you finished that doesn’t tell them anything. If you only give them your best scores that doesn’t show them the overall tourney [...]

RecruitPKB: Are You an Athlete?

Are you an athlete or do you just play a sport? This is a question that I have struggled with honestly answering for a lot of my life. For a long time, I thought I was an athlete simply bc I had the physical ability to play sports. I grew up playing basketball, softball, volleyball, and golf. I only played basketball until my sophomore year of high school [...]

RecruitPKB: Growth or Fixed Mindset?

How do you handle adversity, challenges, and setbacks? With a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? One of my favorite and most influential books is Carol Dweck's Mindset. She has conducted numerous studies and research on the difference in those who possess a fixed mindset and those who have a growth mindset. This past weekend I had the opportunity to sit down with a top 50 [...]

RecruitPKB: Hula Hoops

Growing up I was a master hula hooper. I could keep a hula hoop going for hours if I had to, even two or three at a time. My hips don't move quite as fast as they use to so I've found a new purpose for hula hoops these days. They are awesome, inexpensive practice tools. You can use them for a number of [...]

RecruitPKB: Ceiling of Improvement

"If you don't do the things you're not good at then you'll never get better" This doesn't just mean practicing or working on those things a little to say you did it, it means dedicating time to actually get better at those things! - One of the earlier years of being on Symetra tour, my college boyfriend, who was a pretty good golfer, was caddying [...]

RecruitPKB: Find Your WHY

Motivation can be tough at times for athletes of all levels. You can get tired, burned out, frustrated or simply just lose focus. To help make sure you stay motivated everyday take the time to figure out your "why". Why do you play golf? Why do you practice? Why do you play tournaments? There isn't necessarily a right or wrong reason but everybody needs to know their why. For [...]

RecruitPKB: 6 Things to do Before the 1st Tee

Many times you may get to the first tee of a tournament round and be nervous and anxious to play. The last thing you want to worry about are the tedious things you could have done before you stepped onto the first tee. Here are 6 key tasks to remember to do before you get to the first tee so that you don’t forget [...]

PerformPKB: Strength Training Will Destroy Your Game -True or False?

If you’ve been playing the game for long, you’ve probably been told that strength training for golfers will get you bulky, restrict your mobility and can even get you hurt so that you can’t play the game.  But how true is this argument? This is a contested topic on many media platforms and even among coaches and golfers themselves. The curious part of this [...]

By |June 27th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Range Practice is Hurting You – Do This Instead

The driving range is the biggest barrier to a golfer's success.  Period.  It is a place where quantity is king, and quality is the court jester.  Repeating swing after swing in a blocked practice format actually breeds repetitive injuries and ends careers.  Minimal carry over onto the course from the range is what keeps handicaps and frustrations high, while contributing to the high number [...]

By |June 13th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Eccentric Training- The Professional Golfer’s Secret Weapon

By Physical Performance Consultant Chris Finn of Par4Success Introduction Many have probably heard the saying, “You have to train fast to be fast.” In the world of sports performance, however, very little is that cut and dry. In the past month, my athletes have been training very slowly, particularly in the lowering phase of their lifts, known as the eccentric phase. I am currently [...]

By |May 16th, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: 7 Stages of Long Term Athletic Development for Golfers

Individuals can experience failed attempts to participate in organized sports when too much emphasis is placed on competition and not enough attention on developing proper athleticism (appropriate movement skills). If you have limited movement skills, you stop participating.  This leads to decreased interest in physical activity and a failure to develop physical literacy (proper training to improve athleticism) in a sequential and progressive manner. [...]

By |March 21st, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: So Many Tournaments… Which Ones to Play in 2018?

by Chris Finn, MSPT, CSCS, TPIMP - Founder, Par4Success   I had the recent honor of speaking to a large group of junior golfers and their parents down in Pinehurst and one of the topics we discussed was the all-important question of "what is the point of a tournament?" I was very pleasantly surprised at the answers I received from those in attendance as [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|0 Comments

PerformPKB: 5 Golf Fitness Myths

This article is part of a guest series to the RecruitPKB "Complete Golfer" program by Chris Finn, MSPT, CSCS, owner of Par4Success in Cary, North Carolina. 1. I'm not a football player, I don’t need to weight train? The golf swing is a fast, explosive, and powerful motion. Power is an application of force. You need to have force to be able to apply [...]

By |February 22nd, 2017|1 Comment
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