PerformPKB: Top 3 Differences between Tour Pros and World Long Drive

When it comes to swinging fast and hitting the ball far, names like Dustin Johnson, Lexi Thompson and Brooks Koepka come to mind.  When I hear that, however, I have one question that always comes to my mind… Why are people talking about people who don’t crack 130 mph?   On the World Long Drive, if you swing under 140 mph you aren’t even thought about. Wouldn’t it make more sense to talk about what the long drive world is doing in relation to increasing club speed? Don’t get me wrong, DJ, JT and everyone else in the 120+ mph club is quite spectacular and hit the ball a long ways with incredible accuracy.  But if we are going to specifically discuss club head speed, the sport scientist in me would want to study the guys and girls who swing it the fastest in the world.  This [...]

By |2019-03-01T13:03:25-05:00March 1st, 2019|Physical Performance Articles|0 Comments

PerformPKB: A Professional Golfer Likes a Challenge – Here’s Why

When everyone else is doing one thing and you believe in something different, do you have the courage to challenge everyone else, stick to your belief, and fight for it? Seriously, think about the last time you were in a situation where everyone agreed on one idea, activity, or way of doing things and you didn’t necessarily agree. Did you go along with everyone else or did you challenge them? It is never a comfortable thing to challenge the status quo and do things differently, yet this is a common thread that the most successful people in the world share. Warren Buffet’s investment strategy was different 50 years ago and he has stuck to it regardless.  He’s done OK for himself. Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett defied the doubters and skipped college to go straight to the NBA paving the way for the likes of Lebron James [...]

By |2018-09-18T12:02:40-04:00September 18th, 2018|Physical Performance Articles|0 Comments

PerformPKB: Shaping YOUR Success

Shaping YOUR Success is a new PerformPKB series where current players and former PKBGT alumni express their thoughts on the increasing importance of physical fitness, training and nutrition as they progress through the levels of competition in tournament golf and into their collegiate golf programs. Read as players who were once in your shoes share their firsthand experiences on how training with PerformPKB prepared them to succeed in higher levels of competitive golf and give tips and advice on how you can improve your fitness habits to take your golf game to the next level!  Our first installment of Shaping YOUR Success features Riley, a PKBGT alumni who has trained at Par4Success. She currently is in her freshman year at the University of Virginia. - - - I was primed to succeed from the moment I stepped on campus thanks to the high level of fitness that [...]

By |2018-09-13T15:55:26-04:00September 13th, 2018|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments
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