RecruitPKB: Setting Goals

Goal setting is an important part of the college recruiting process both for your game as well as the recruiting process. The most important thing to remember is that a goal is useless unless you set a specific plan of action to achieve it. Set realistic goals - There is nothing wrong with wanting to reach for the stars but you want to give yourself goals that are realistically obtainable. If you aren’t able to reach your goals in a timely manner, you will easily lose sight of them and not work as hard towards achieving them. Set process goals, not just outcome goals – Set goals that you can accomplish in the present. When you put so much emphasis on results you forget to focus on what it takes to get there. Set your goals based on what you need to be doing NOW. The outcome [...]

By |2018-03-06T15:55:47-05:00November 21st, 2014|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: College Recruiting Checklist

I am sure that many of you have been in attendance for a Recruit PKB seminar or webinar and received a copy of my College Recruiting Checklist. In case you haven't, you will see it below. Print it out and stick it on your fridge or if you would like a postcard/magnet of the checklist to stick on your fridge then shoot me an email and I will get one to you, Over the next few months I will be addressing each of these steps in the college recruiting process in more detail. We will also announce a series of webinars that will cover these topics more in-depth and give you an opportunity to ask questions. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the recruiting process take advantage of your free 30 min consultation that launched with the 2015 PKBGT memberships.   For questions [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:34-04:00November 17th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Taking Visits

As many of you take advantage of the off-season by taking college visits, below are a few important reminders to consider while you are on the visit. Leave your cell phone in the car. To keep you from even being tempted to check your phone during the visit it is best to just leave it in the car. Look the coach in the eye and firmly shake their hand when you walk into their office. Sit up straight in the chair. Don’t slouch and slump. Be enthusiastic. Make sure the coach knows you are excited to be there. Ask questions!! The worst thing you can do when I coach asks if you have any questions is to say “no”. Jot a few questions down on a notepad and take it in with you. If you haven’t been regularly communicating with the coach and/or they haven’t seen you [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:34-04:00October 27th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Putting Line

One of my favorite putting drills from my college and professional days is something very simple but extremely effective at building confidence and putting a little bit of pressure on making those short putts when it counts. There are several different variations of this one drill which is why I like it so much. Below are a few options to get you started. 3, 5, 7, 9ft line - Place a tee at 3ft, 5ft, 7ft and 9ft in a line on one side of hole. Begin with a fairly flat putt. Start at the 3ft putt, if you make it move back to the 5ft putt, if you make that move to the 7ft. If you miss then you must start back at the 3ft putt 9, 7, 5, 3ft line - After you have gone up the line start from the 9ft putt and move [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:30-04:00October 10th, 2014|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Parent Influence on the Player’s Decision

žThis week's Recruit PKB: Recruiting Process article from the series "Parent Role in the College Recruiting Process" will cover a parent's influence on a player's decision. Obviously the parent's will have a major influence on their daughter's college decision, but trying to help your daughter make the right decision for herself can be a difficult task. Below are a few tips to help the parents guide their daughter through her decision making process. Review all of the positives and negatives for each school: Help your daughter create a positives and negatives list for each school as she takes visits, communicates with coaches and does research. Your role as a parent is to insure they put emphasis on the important factors within each of these lists and don't base their decision on the wrong factors. Help them to understand what each factor will mean for their college experience [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:35-04:00September 30th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Parent Influence on a Coaches Decision

žžžThis week's Recruit PKB: Recruiting Process article from the series "Parent Role in the College Recruiting Process" will cover a parent's influence on a coach's decision. How a parent talks, reacts and interacts with their daughter, the coach and other competitors and parents can have a major impact on a coach's decision. Ultimately the coach is recruiting the player but parent behavior can force a coach to lean one direction or the other if they are on the fence. Below are a few tips for parents to be aware of throughout the process. žAlways stay positive: Do what you can to always stay positive and keep a good attitude, even if your daughter is playing bad. Any negativity will not only affect how she plays and responds, but may also deter a coach from recruiting your daughter. They need parents who will be supportive no matter how [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:35-04:00September 19th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Parent Role with Coaches

žžThis week's Recruit PKB: Recruiting Process article from the series "Parent Role in the College Recruiting Process" will cover a parent's role with college coaches. The relationship a parent builds with a college coach through the process can have a major influence on the coach's decision. Below are a few areas to be aware of as a parent so that you as well can make the best impression on your daughter's future coach. Say hi to coaches at tournaments but don't approach them: Because recruiting rules can vary so much depending on a player's grad year, always stick to the side of caution when you see a coach at tournaments. Be friendly and say hi but try to allow them to begin a conversation if they choose to. Some coaches are more talkative and will carry on conversations with parents, others just want to be left to themselves [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:35-04:00September 1st, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Support Without Pushing Too Hard

žThe next series of "Recruit PKB: Recruiting Process" articles will cover a parent's role in the different aspects of the college recruiting process. The first topic addressed is one that I get asked very often from parents who are concerned with pushing their daughter too hard, but who also know their daughter needs some guidance and structure in order to stay on track towards her goal of playing college golf. I am not a parent myself but I do understand that there is a very thin line between pushing too hard and just trying to keep a young girl motivated to succeed. Below are 5 recommendations that I believe can help a parent understand how to best support their daughter and work together as a team throughout the recruiting process. žContinue to ask your daughter what she wants out of her golf: First and foremost, it must [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:36-04:00August 17th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: College Coach Perspective Part 5

As many players make their college decision over the next few months here are some thoughts to consider that college coaches feel are important factors. From a coach's perspective, what are some factors to help a junior golfer determine the right fit? “Do they like the school, the coach and the team? Does the school have the correct major for the student? It is important to establish a relationship with the coach and to know the students on the team. The student must be qualified academically. The student has to have a solid tournament record.” – D1 Coach “The Coach, what is expected by the coach out of the student athlete, size of school, area of study, how far you want to be from home, the team.” – D1 Coach “Does the school have my major field of study? How many players are on the team? Is [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:10:36-04:00July 21st, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Happy Mother’s Day!

With Mother's Day around the corner I thought this would be a great chance to give all of those golf mom's some recognition for what they do. Because many times it tends to be the dad who does most of the coaching and caddying, the moms don't always get the credit they deserve. Many of their responsibilities are pre-tournament or behind the scenes such as getting the junior golfer to practice everyday, signing up for tournaments, booking travel, packing, providing snacks and being the cheerleader. From my own experience, my mom always made sure I had snacks on the course. Sometimes it was a superstition factor that decided what she would pack, such as marshmallows, other times it was grapes, granola bars or a sandwich. She helped plan my travel as a junior golfer and made sure I packed what I would need on the road. When [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:30-04:00April 28th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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