
This past week I read a great blog written by the Georgia Southern Women’s Golf Coach about journaling. Check it out here.

While I am not quite part of the techie generation where everything is done on a phone or computer, I do rely on technology for a lot of my business and personal life. However, I have always been a big believer in writing things down. I’ve never been one to keep a daily journal or diary, but I do constantly have a notebook or notepad to jot down ideas and thoughts and will occasionally give in to writing in my phone notepad if one isn’t available.

I believe that writing things down holds another level of accountability and retention. It is a great way to set goals, keep track of progress and provide an outlet for your thoughts and feelings. I think what Coach Kuhfield states is very true, “it (journaling) is a habit many successful people share for many great reasons. If nothing else- it shows dedication.” 

I highly encourage young players to get a notebook and start to journal their practice sessions, tournament rounds, lessons and other golf activities (or non golf). Create a plan for your practice that day, then track if you complete your drills and goals. Or jot down a few thoughts before you play a tournament round that you want to focus on that day. After your round, reflect on what you did well that day, what you need to work on and and other thoughts that are fresh on your mind.

Journaling is a great way to organize your thoughts, goals and progress. It gives you an outlet to express the ups and downs of playing competitive junior golf, along with any other areas of your life that you may want to write about. Journaling is definitely not for everybody but I do think if you make just a small effort to write down a few goals and thoughts you will start to see the impact it can make on your game. `