It is reported that when a young athlete is asked their least favorite moment in sports or why they quit playing, one of the most common answers is the “car ride home”.

After a long day on the golf course, everyone is mentally and physically exhausted and while it seems like an ideal time to go over your daughter’s round, let her dictate if and when she talks about it. Give her some space and time as she is already going to be upset with herself if she didn’t play well.

If you want to say anything make sure you keep it positive. Let her know that you enjoyed watching her play no matter the results.

If you’re going to ask anything, make it about effort and attitude. Ask her if she felt that she did her best. Ask if she felt she showed good sportsmanship. If she says yes, then say you’re proud of her.

Don’t get me wrong, there are things to be learned and addressed but there is a better time and approach instead of the car ride home. You can discuss later and set some goals for how to improve during her practice time. And many times, that needs to come from her coach/instructor instead of a parent.

And don’t stress, if you take the right approach, she will eventually want to talk about it. Even as a pro golfer, I still called my dad or mom at some point after every round I played.


Written by Brandi Jackson, RecruitPKB College Consultant. For more information contact via