Once you have your resume and video put together then you need to start researching schools and golf programs. You need to understand what it takes to compete at different programs and what the school offers in terms of academics, majors, class size, post grad success, tuition, and financial aid. Finding the right combination of strength of golf program that is realistic to your resume and abilities, along with the academic and personal preferences of the school can be difficult.
Be sure when you start to do research that you utilize the PING College Guide and Golfstat.com to help you better understand the golf programs and how they rank. Keep in mind college scores are usually 2-3 strokes higher in comparison to what a score would be as a junior golfer due to the difficulty of course, conditions, and expectations of a collegiate golfer. Also, coaches are not looking to replace their 4th or 5th player, they are trying to replace their 3rd best player or better so don’t compare your scores to the players who are farther down the roster when seeing what is realistic. Be sure you have some dream schools that you are working hard to reach, but try to focus mostly on what is realistic so that the process will take shape and you can build some confidence as you communicate with coaches.
Take some notes as you go and begin to create a list of schools to contact. These notes will be important during the next step of the process.
If you would like to schedule your free PKB Initial 30 minute Consultation please email me at bjackson@pkbgt.org.

Brandi Jackson
RecruitPKB College Consultant
If you need assistance with the college recruiting process, please contact Brandi at bjackson@pkbgt.org
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