RecruitPKB: Love Yourself

"7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with family and friends." – Real Girls, Real Pressure: National Report on the State of Self-Esteem, Dove Self-Esteem Fund As we recently celebrated the universal day for "showing love" it got me thinking about the importance of also learning to love yourself. No, I'm not talking about the theme behind the new Justin Bieber song "Love Yourself". I am not encouraging you to love yourself to the point of being conceited or thinking that you are better than anybody else, but it is extremely important to simply love yourself. I know as a young pre-teen or teenager this is a very hard concept to grasp. You are going through different stages of maturity, you are dealing with different social environments, you [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:22-04:00February 17th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Valuable Info from College Coaches

Over the weekend, I traveled to DC to be the guest speaker during the Mid-Atlantic College Golf Day at Congressional CC. I was honored and excited to join a group of great coaches that included the Virginia Tech men's head coach, Marshall women's head coach, Towson men's and women's head coach, Naval Academy men's head coach, Bridgewater College coach, McDaniel College coach, Shenandoah University coach and several others. After presenting my talk, I was fortunate to have the chance to sit in on the breakout sessions that were led by the college coaches and I wanted to take a few minutes to share some of the highlights of those sessions that I feel would be valuable information for you. When comparing your scores as a junior golfer to a collegiate player's scores you should add 4-5 shots more to make it a fair comparison. Courses aren't just longer but they are [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:50:59-04:00February 11th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Utilizing Social Media

Social media can be a very useful tool to utilize during the recruiting process but it can also be a way to cost you opportunities if you don’t use it wisely. While there are rules on the coach’s end for connecting with recruits through social media, they can still do their homework to investigate what you are posting about, what your friends are posting about, and how you present yourself when you aren’t in front of them. However, if you use social media wisely, it can be a great way to learn more about the coach, the golf program, and share your own progress throughout your junior golf career.   Furman University Head Women’s Golf Coach shared her thoughts on the use of social media: “We are a little limited on who we can friend and things like that, but there’s probably a good chance that I [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:50:59-04:00February 4th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Learn to be Creative

Almost every camp that I host I will include a session that requires the girls to tap into their creative side. Many times the girls think I am crazy for the ideas I come up with but it's always fun to see how each player approaches the activity. You may not realize how important it is to be creative as a golfer but it is a crucial skill necessary for success on the golf course. No this does not mean you have to be an artist or be good at arts and craft, but tapping into your creative side can really help you develop better feel and touch around the greens, it will help you see shots and shape them better, it will help you assess situations when you are in trouble and figure out your best options for getting out of it. It will also help [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:22-04:00January 20th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Learn to Quiet the Don’ts

One of the best ways to retrain your mind on the golf course is to always think about what you want to "do" and never about what you "don't" want to do. This may seem like such a simple concept but if you start to pay close attention you would be amazed at how many times you think in the "don't" sense instead of the "do". How many times do you tell yourself "don't leave this putt short"? Then you proceed to either leave it short or knock it 5ft by the hole. Or you tell yourself, "don't hit in the hazard". Then you proceed to either hit in the hazard or you hook/block a shot to avoid it. According to Bob Rotella, "the brain doesn't understand don't". When you tell your brain not to do something you are actually putting a more visual focus on that [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:22-04:00January 15th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Game Assessment & Recruiting Workshop

Join RecruitPKB College Consultant Brandi Jackson for a One-Day Game Assessment & RecruitPKB College Recruiting Workshop on Monday, February 15th, following the Rocket Tour Players at University of Georgia Golf Course. The workshop will be conducted at the UGA Collegiate Golf facilities and the schedule will include: 8:30-9:00: Check In 9:00-10:00: Game Planning for 2016 Session (parents asked to attend): Small group discussion of tournament scheduling, travel tips, navigating the rankings, goal setting, time management 10:00-11:30: Short Game Assessment: Calculated measuring system to determine a player's current short game ability and provide a trackable chart for improvement with recommendations 11:30-12:00: Goal setting session: Girls will complete a specific goal setting exercise and have the opportunity to build their own vision board 12:00-12:30: Lunch 12:30-1:00: Golf Nutrition and Fitness: Understand the importance of proper nutrition on and off the golf course, plus some general golf specific exercises and warm up routines 1:00-2:30: [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:50:59-04:00January 10th, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Set Your Goals for 2016

As we kick off 2016, it’s the perfect time to set your goals for the new year. But by “goals”, I don’t just mean your New Year’s resolutions stating that you want to do something better next year, I am talking about very specific process goals. Yes, you need big picture outcome goals such as scoring milestones, tournament finishes, your dream university, etc to keep you motivated and driven to reach the end result that you are working towards, but when setting goals you need to be very specific in what you need to do day in and day out, week in and week out, in order to achieve those big outcome goals. I had a lesson in goal setting myself recently that I thought I would share to help encourage you to set your goals for 2016. All the way back to my college golf days, [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:58-04:00January 2nd, 2016|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Womens Golf Breakdown

Here is an updated breakdown of the average scores that a college coach looks for with their recruits. Keep in mind these are general guidelines, some variations and exceptions are possible. Click on image to enlarge. Examples of national tours/tourneys: PKBGT Invitationals and Championships, AJGA Invitationals and Championships, USGA, PGA Jr Championship, Big I Championship, Optimist International, etc Examples of regional tours/tourneys: PKBGT, HJGT, SJGT, FCG, IJGT, Golfweek Jr Tour, etc

By |2017-09-13T11:51:00-04:00December 23rd, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: It Takes More Than Just Talent

“It’s not about how talented you are, it’s about how hard you work to make the most of the talent you were given” –  Me   This may sound crazy, but one of the biggest detriments to a young player’s development is being told how talented they are. Check out this short video about motivation and hard work. I was one of those players who had a very natural talent for golf from an early age. I didn’t have to be taught a lot of mechanics, early in my golf career swing coaches wouldn’t make any changes to my swing except a few tweaks to my setup if it got off. I could naturally figure out how to properly swing the club, work the ball, creatively get myself out of trouble and hit different short game shots around the green without thinking much about mechanics.   Now [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:58-04:00December 10th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Know Your Yardages

  "They don't take enough club.... most of the time they don't know exactly how far they actually hit the ball" - Morgan Pressel Check out this VIDEO of LPGA players talking about the mistake they see amateurs (which includes junior golfers) make the most often. Knowing your yardages can seem like such a simple concept yet I continue to see it be the reason for lost shots over and over again with junior golfers. Sometimes it's ego getting in the way when a player thinks they carry the ball farther than they actually do, other times it is just not really knowing the average carry number.  Learning the average yardage for each club can make a major difference in your game, especially when you face tough elements, such as elevation, temperature change, wind and adrenaline. Also learning to factor in that sometimes you need to take 2 [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:45:59-04:00November 27th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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