Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses.

Question: What are the best ways for the girls to use social media during the process? What are ways that turn coaches off?

Turn off- no golf at all on their socials

Updates on schedules and finishes.

Use it to show your personality off and show what makes you tick. When it feels like you are following a script or posting because you “have to”, that’s not ideal.

Quick access to swing videos. Glimpse of who you are as a person and what your interests are.

Just be yourself. We love learning about you as a great junior golfer.

Tournament updates, swing videos, trackman numbers. Turn-offs – position something that would regret in 20 years.

Have a golf account, put all your results and swing videos up there, keep social life to your personal account, make sure you are posting frequently

I like to see social media that shows the entire person. Golf and away from golf.

Show who you are- have fun, put up swing videos and results but also show your personality.

Social media red flags: any inappropriate content or complaining online

A turn-off for me is not seeing any golf on social media – a good mix of both golf and outside of golf is nice

Posting results from tournaments, swings during a tournament are always positive ways to use social media. Follow the schools you are interested in… Social media pages with no golf pictures is normally the biggest turn off for me.

Post swing videos and tournament results.






If you need any assistance please contact Recruit PKB College Recruiting Consultant Brandi Jackson at bjackson@pkbgt.org.