Over the next few weeks, I am going to share some coach responses from a recent survey I did to ask coaches their opinions. Please remember that coaches look for different things and have varying opinions, but I tried to compile some of the most common and relevant responses.

Question: What are some examples that you look for to help identify good golf IQ and players who can compete and get better at the next level?

I love to watch players during their rough rounds. College golf will likely be more challenging than their prior experiences, so if they cannot handle failure before college…..

Attitude on the course. Bouncebacks. Proper club choices. Sending it.

When we receive a round/event recap that feels like it’s from the recruit, vs a parent/coach. Being able to talk about golf in general and various aspects of shots/rounds/prep. Being able to talk about the process.

Reflections of your rounds after – are you pointing out things to work on or improve on the next days, or making excuses about what happened that round and just hoping luck is better to you in the future

Knowledge on the rules is so underrated

Players that play a lot of golf I find have more golf IQ than those that beat balls, my advice is to play as much as they can with all different people, adults, boys etc.

I love seeing how a player bounces back from a bad hole or a bad round. I love talking to players after a rough tournament to see how what they are telling others (and hopefully if it’s positive, believing themselves). I think college golf is about handling adversity better than most and being mentally tough. If you can see how they handle the struggles and bounce backs, then you know they will be a resilient collegiate player.

Players with good distance, an effective and repeatable golf swing, solid short-game fundamentals and a great attitude will go far in college golf.

High golf IQ: a player who hit a chip and run instead of a lob wedge when the situation calls for it. A player who lays up when the risk is too high (off the tee or on a Par 5)

How they talk about their game and whether they are passionate about it and see themselves playing it for a long time even if it’s not professionally….those that have one goal to only play college golf sometimes get to college and feel like they’re done

What does the warm up session prior to a tournament round look like? Are any drills involved in this process to work on a feeling. Ability to hit knock down shots or move the ball in different directions if the shot or hole requires such

Find out why they love the game and why they play. Find out if they have goals for college golf, or if just getting there is the only goal.





If you need any assistance please contact Recruit PKB College Recruiting Consultant Brandi Jackson at bjackson@pkbgt.org.