RecruitPKB: Advice for a 2021 Recruit

. This week we move along to 2021 recruits and what advice I would have for them at this stage of the process. If you are a 2021 recruit you probably feel like it's time to start the recruiting process, well you're probably correct. If you are a 2021 recruit anxious to start the process, here are a few pieces of advice: Don't feel pressured to "have" to start the process if you don't feel like you are ready but do keep in mind that it can move quickly from this point forward so you don't want to wait too long Don't keep thinking that you need to wait for your game to get better before you start or else you will lose a lot of ground for programs that are more realistic at this point. While you do still have time to improve and get the [...]

By |2019-02-21T09:45:48-05:00February 21st, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Advice for a 2020 Recruit

. To continue from last week where I gave some advice to 2019 recruits, this week it's time to take on those 2020 recruits and my advice for them. Obviously, if you are a 2020 recruit you are well aware that the process is upon you. If you have not started then it's certainly time to do that. If you are a 2020 recruit still looking for a college golf home, here are a few pieces of advice: Don't panic! While you may hear that many of your friends have verbally committed there is still lots of time left to find a good college golf home. The next 4-6 months are actually some of the busiest in the recruiting process for coaches still seeking rising seniors Make sure you are being realistic and not wasting your time focusing on schools that aren't going to be interested in [...]

By |2019-02-21T09:44:48-05:00February 14th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: What I was surprised to learn through college golf

Recent Mercer University grad and golf alum, Jaelyn Tindal, shares her thoughts on what she was surprised to learn throughout her college golf experience. Jaelyn has also joined the Brandi Jackson Golf and RecruitPKB team as we continue to strive to provide education and guidance to the girls who are seeking to find their right college golf fit. As everyone knows, college is a time centered around personal growth and tremendous potential for learning. The entire experience presents a “sink or swim” opportunity for students to figure things out. Playing collegiate golf intensifies the need to learn, not only about the game, but also about one’s self. Beyond the standard lessons learned in college, such as how to manage time, improve study habits, or make responsible decisions, I was lucky to have learned so much more through my collegiate experience. “Fair is a place where pigs win [...]

By |2019-01-18T12:06:17-05:00January 18th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Challenge Yourself

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" This is just one of the many great quotes about the necessary impact of facing challenges. This is quite possibly one of the most truthful quotes you can find about life. You can also easily apply it to golf and your development as a player. I could sit and write for hours about this quote but I will keep it to just a few tidbits about how this applies to a young junior golfer. As with anything in life, if you aren't challenging yourself then you will never learn how to grow and develop as a person or an athlete. Take a minute and think about all of the big moments in your life, both good and bad, which ones do you feel that you learned the most from? Typically those are going to be the more "trying" [...]

By |2018-11-03T11:32:49-04:00October 31st, 2018|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Setting Specific Goals and Dreams

While some goals and dreams are going to be general, do your best to keep them as specific as you can. This may mean that you need to readjust as you get closer to reaching your goal or dream to make it more specific to your current progress. As I mentioned the other week, I had a dream when I was 8 or 9 years old to play on the LPGA Tour, and while then it was obviously understandable at that age to not be very specific about that dream, as I got older I never readjusted to set a more specific dream. I technically did live out my dream to "play" on the LPGA Tour so I can't be mad at 8-year-old Brandi, but what might have happened if I had set my dream to finish top 10 in a tournament, or maybe even win an [...]

By |2018-10-18T08:11:15-04:00October 18th, 2018|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Trying Out Competitive Golf Again

For those who may follow my social media (@bjacksongolf) you probably saw that I decided to play some competitive golf again for the first time in almost 8 years. My last full season was in 2009 where I played 11 LPGA Tour events that year and the rest on the Symetra Tour, then I only played a handful of events on the Symetra Tour in 2010 and officially gave up full time playing by 2011 so it has been quite a while since I played competitively. And within those 8 years since "retirement" I don't exactly play much golf period, except a few charity outings every year so this was quite the decision to play some competitive golf again. So for the last 4-5 weeks, I tried to commit some time each week to practicing and playing some rounds of golf. I switched my workouts from training [...]

By |2018-08-24T13:52:34-04:00August 16th, 2018|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Masters Takeaways

One of the best takeaways a young player can get from Masters week is to watch the Masters on the Range coverage. If you don't get a chance to watch, here are a few takeaways from how the pros warm up: 📌 Most aren’t going to get too technical the morning of a tournament round 📌 They focus on balance and tempo with their swings 📌 They give themselves different lies around the practice greens 📌 They focus on putting fundamentals, usually with a training aid or some tees 📌 They take their time and focus on every shot they hit 📌 They aren’t rushed or anxious Your warmup is NEVER the time to get frustrated or in your head about not hitting it perfect or not feeling 100% confident. It’s the time to accept what is going on that day, trust your abilities and not fight [...]

By |2018-04-05T11:35:10-04:00April 5th, 2018|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Do Your Research

"I always appreciate it when a recruit has done a little research on college golf, and my team in particular." - Emily Kuhfeld,  GA Southern Women's Head Coach Part of the recruiting process is to learn more about the school, coach, and golf program as you communicate with a college coach, but do as much initial research as you can. You can learn a lot thru the resources that are available online such as the school and team website, PING College Guide,,,, and social media. Also doing your research on the NCAA rules will show a coach that you’re serious about this process and understand what can and can’t happen at different stages. This will help you not make mistakes or misunderstand why a coach may not be responding to your emails or phone calls.   If you do the research you will be much more prepared for [...]

By |2017-11-30T13:08:24-05:00November 30th, 2017|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Hula Hoops

Growing up I was a master hula hooper. I could keep a hula hoop going for hours if I had to, even two or three at a time. My hips don't move quite as fast as they use to so I've found a new purpose for hula hoops these days. They are awesome, inexpensive practice tools. You can use them for a number of different drills. Below are just a few of them: Chipping: Lay a hula hoop about 5-6 feet on the green and practice landing different clubs inside the hoop. Take a few steps back farther off the green and continue landing balls in the hoop with all of your wedges, 9iron, and 8iron. Set a goal to get so many out of 5 inside the hoop with each club before you move on to another club. Pitching: Lay a hula hoop about 10 feet [...]

By |2017-11-09T14:26:35-05:00November 23rd, 2017|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: 6 Things to do Before the 1st Tee

Many times you may get to the first tee of a tournament round and be nervous and anxious to play. The last thing you want to worry about are the tedious things you could have done before you stepped onto the first tee. Here are 6 key tasks to remember to do before you get to the first tee so that you don’t forget and try to do them when you should be focused on starting your round. Clean your clubs - This can be done on the range after you have warmed up. Always start your round with a nice clean set of clubs (make sure you only have 14) and don’t forget the grips. They will appreciate it! Grab snacks and water - Make sure you have plenty of water to drink, especially during the summer months. And always have some snacks in your bag [...]

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