This past week I had a direct message on Instagram sent to me asking advice for how many tournaments a junior golfer play during the summer. I wanted to share some of my advice on why this isn’t a question that has a simple answer. Also, be sure to tune into the webinar on June 6th with PKBGT Tour Director Mike Parker to discuss this very topic, REGISTER HERE.
As far as my response to this young lady who asked, I told her that there is not an exact number because all players have different goals, expectations, tournament resume, family demands, priorities, and financial means that determine what a tourney schedule should look like. A few factors that dictate variations in tournament schedules include (but not limited to):
- Your goals for playing college golf and your current tournament resume will dictate the quality and quantity of playing in tournaments. Some top-ranked players may opt for a multi-day national level event over playing 2 state-level tournaments so that player may actually play fewer tournaments. But a player still building a resume who doesn’t qualify for bigger state and national tourneys may need to compete in more 1 and 2-day events for the experience. But this could also be the total opposite circumstances in terms of quantity of events for the same two types of players. It really varies based on so many different factors.
- Your location can dictate the availability of tournaments. Some states don’t have as many tournaments as others do and players may not have access to play as often
- The demands of your family may prevent your parents from being able to travel and take you to as many tournaments as another player
- There are many camps, activities, vacation, summer jobs, and internships that some players choose to prioritize over golf tournaments during the summer. In some cases, it is to build their academic resume, make some money, participate in another sport/hobby or enjoy time with family
- A family’s financial means will be a major determining factor in the number of golf tournaments. Some families have more financial means to travel and play events but don’t let that be an excuse if you are not one of those players.
If I was asked to give a number, I would say most top-ranked players looking to play DI golf are going to play at least 8-10 multi-day tournaments during the summertime, with many of these being 3+ day events. The main difference you will see is that some players do better to get in a groove and just want to play as much as possible, whereas other players may opt for some downtime to practice, work on their game and reset their mindset before another event.
Tournament schedule is very individual to each player and family so be sure you ask for assistance and make the choices that fit your goals, expectations, priorities and means.

Brandi Jackson
RecruitPKB College Consultant
If you need assistance with the college recruiting process, please contact Brandi at
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