The drive time in my car is usually my chance to brainstorm with a clear head. This past week while I was driving back from spending Thanksgiving in Charleston I had a few thoughts pop into my head that I wanted to share. I posted this on my social media but for those that don’t follow me here is what I feel like are some key things to remember in order to find success both on and off the golf course.

“If you have more discipline than desire,

If you create a plan instead of goals,

If you focus on commitment more than effort,

Then you will create results instead of dreams”

For me, I had a dream to play on the LPGA Tour from the time I was 7 playing in my first golf tournaments. Yes, I had the desire, I put in the effort and I had some goals but as my career moved along I lacked the discipline, the plan, and the commitment to see the actual results of being a successful professional golfer. I got to live out my dream of making it to the LPGA which was AWESOME but it wasn’t exactly what you would call successful in the long term.

Desire, effort, and goals are all great to have but those are just words, just vague thoughts on what you want and are trying to accomplish. It’s the discipline, the plan, and the commitment you need in order to actually see the results. What are you doing to get better every day? How committed are you to getting better? What are your priorities when it comes to making decisions?Do they match up to the discipline and commitment needed?What type of actual plan do you have for what your goals are?