So far we have talked about whether social media is necessary, privacy settings, golf-specific accounts, and what to post and not to post in regards to using social media as a recruiting tool. This week we are going to discuss how to best interact and engage with the college golf program accounts.
While there is a double edge sword to not wanting to encourage a young athlete to spend more time on their phone or be caught up in the social media world, there is no doubt that social media is more and more becoming a vital part of the college recruiting process. If you aren’t comfortable using it as a recruiting tool for yourself, then I do at least recommend trying to keep up with the college golf program’s accounts. This is a great way to keep up with what they are doing and learn more about the program.
You can comment and like the posts on their accounts. You can occasionally send a direct message. You can use what you see on social media as conversation starters in your emails, phone calls, and visits with coaches. I do recommend that you not ask recruiting specific questions through social media, keep that to your emails and other communication. If you are going to comment or send a message, keep it about the team and what they are posting about, not about you and your recruiting unless the coach specifically engages directly with you via social media.
The use of social media can certainly be a beneficial tool as you navigate the college recruiting process. It is an easy way to connect, engage, interact, learn, and share as you try to find the best college fit for you. Just be aware of how you are using your social media accounts and how you are engaging with the golf program’s accounts. Be smart about it.

Brandi Jackson
RecruitPKB College Consultant
If you need assistance with the college recruiting process, please contact Brandi at
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