The Landing Drill - The Complete GolferWhen chipping from just off the green you should always pick a landing spot that you want to land the ball on. Assess the shot to determine what club will land about 5-7 ft onto the green and provide the roll needed to get to the hole. Take into account any break in the green and pick your landing spot accordingly. This will make the shot much easier when you can focus on hitting a spot that is only several feet in front of you rather than a pin that is farther away.

Drill: Lay a towel or hula hoop about 5-7 ft onto the green. Start about 2 paces off the green with one of your wedges, landing the ball on the towel or hula hoop. You are only focused on where the ball lands. Repeat with SW through 8iron. A good goal is to land 15 balls on the spot with each club.