RecruitPKB: Handling Coach Rejection

Even the best players in the nation face rejection when going through the recruiting process. There could be any number of reasons that a coach may not accept a player on their team. These reasons may have nothing to do with the player's game or personality. When a player faces rejection, it is essential that it is handled properly. Most importantly, a player should not take rejection personally and allow it to diminish their confidence on the golf course or beyond. Try to accept that the fit is not right and that it only takes one school to believe in you. Use the rejection to fuel your energy at practice/tournaments and strengthen the determination to find the right school Secondly, when a player is turned down by a coach they still have to be respectful. It will only harm the player to respond harshly to the [...]

By |2019-04-04T08:25:48-04:00April 4th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Lack of Communication

Communication with coaches is so important during the recruiting process. Although coaches may not be able to respond to emails or call a player, it is still important for them to hear from the player on a regular basis. If you are not communicating with a coach, there is a possibility you are being left behind in the process. Coaches may respond to an email of interest and ask a player to keep them updated with their tournament schedule and results. This means that it is absolutely necessary to update a coach with upcoming tournaments and the ensuing results. This not only shows the coach your level of play with the scores you are shooting, but also shows them the willingness to listen to their requests and write a well thought out email. Also, sending them a schedule of your upcoming tournaments may give them a [...]

By |2019-03-28T08:35:07-04:00March 28th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Upcoming Schedule

A very important step to remember is to email coaches with your upcoming schedule. Heading into the spring and summer months is a great time to get this done. Coaches have no way of knowing where you will be playing unless you tell them. So if you want them to come out and watch make sure you let them know where you are going to be. Don't wait until the end of summer to send them your results, make the opportunity available for them to come out and watch you play. For 2020 recruits, coaches are able to reply to your emails so it's a great idea to ask them where they plan to be this summer or if they plan to recruit at any specific tournaments. This way you can try to play in tournaments that you know they plan to attend so you have [...]

By |2019-03-13T09:37:56-04:00March 13th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

PerformPKB: How Fast Do You Need to Swing to Play College Golf?

Playing college golf is the dream of most competitive junior golfers and their parents. There is tons of time, effort and money spent on the endeavor to give the junior golfer every possible opportunity to improve, learn and perform at their highest level. There are many unknowns for parents and the players as they start this endeavor, however. One of the biggest challenges every year is figuring our what tournaments to play in so that college coaches will notice you. There is a bit of science and a bit of art to this, of course. There has to be a blend between playing in tournaments that are played near where the junior wants to go to school as well as locally. There also needs to be a mix of local, state, regional and national level events depending on the level of the junior and their aspirations. There [...]

By |2019-03-01T12:48:41-05:00March 1st, 2019|Physical Performance Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Advice for a 2022 and Younger Recruit

. For the last article in this series, I am going to take 2022 recruits and younger and share some advice to them as a whole. While there are certainly some 2022 recruits and 2023 recruits who have started the process, those are more of the exception so I am going to share my advice based more on the majority of girls at this stage. If you are a 2022 or younger recruit, here are a few pieces of advice: There are soo many stages that a young girl can be at with her commitment level, size, strength, and golf experience during these earlier years. Yes, because the process does still start early you need to start to think about your future plans as you get closer to being a high school student, but don't let it take the fun out of the game. The game [...]

By |2019-02-28T12:33:24-05:00February 28th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Advice for a 2021 Recruit

. This week we move along to 2021 recruits and what advice I would have for them at this stage of the process. If you are a 2021 recruit you probably feel like it's time to start the recruiting process, well you're probably correct. If you are a 2021 recruit anxious to start the process, here are a few pieces of advice: Don't feel pressured to "have" to start the process if you don't feel like you are ready but do keep in mind that it can move quickly from this point forward so you don't want to wait too long Don't keep thinking that you need to wait for your game to get better before you start or else you will lose a lot of ground for programs that are more realistic at this point. While you do still have time to improve and get the [...]

By |2019-02-21T09:45:48-05:00February 21st, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Advice for a 2020 Recruit

. To continue from last week where I gave some advice to 2019 recruits, this week it's time to take on those 2020 recruits and my advice for them. Obviously, if you are a 2020 recruit you are well aware that the process is upon you. If you have not started then it's certainly time to do that. If you are a 2020 recruit still looking for a college golf home, here are a few pieces of advice: Don't panic! While you may hear that many of your friends have verbally committed there is still lots of time left to find a good college golf home. The next 4-6 months are actually some of the busiest in the recruiting process for coaches still seeking rising seniors Make sure you are being realistic and not wasting your time focusing on schools that aren't going to be interested in [...]

By |2019-02-21T09:44:48-05:00February 14th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Advice for a 2019 Recruit

In case you missed it this past week I took over the PKBGT Instagram for a Live Q and A to answer questions from players and parents. We had an awesome turnout and a LOT of questions. One question that stood out to me gave me an idea of some topics over the next few weeks. I was asked my biggest piece of advice for a 2021 recruit. While only giving one piece of advice would certainly not do anyone justice I did want to start from there and highlight a few top pieces of advice for each recruiting class. Obviously, even within the same recruiting class, girls can be at very different stages of the process but for the next few weeks I will be addressing those girls who are still trying to find a college golf fit and try to keep it broad enough for [...]

By |2019-02-07T17:17:39-05:00February 7th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: How do I Contact the Coaches?

Last week I explained why I use the "contact 75+ schools" in all of my tips and checklists. I hope you had a chance to read that because that gets misunderstood quite often based on the situation. So this week I just wanted to provide a little insight into how you can go about contacting those coaches. Keep in mind, this is for initial communication and getting your name out there. It takes organizing your list into the programs you really want to focus on and then doing your best to build a relationship with those coaches. That takes quite a bit of time and effort so you can't expect to do that for all of the schools you may initially contact. Make sure you have a good resume that has all of the necessary information, along with a swing video. (Junior Golf Scoreboard has a [...]

By |2019-01-30T17:08:45-05:00January 30th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|1 Comment

RecruitPKB: What I was surprised to learn through college golf

Recent Mercer University grad and golf alum, Jaelyn Tindal, shares her thoughts on what she was surprised to learn throughout her college golf experience. Jaelyn has also joined the Brandi Jackson Golf and RecruitPKB team as we continue to strive to provide education and guidance to the girls who are seeking to find their right college golf fit. As everyone knows, college is a time centered around personal growth and tremendous potential for learning. The entire experience presents a “sink or swim” opportunity for students to figure things out. Playing collegiate golf intensifies the need to learn, not only about the game, but also about one’s self. Beyond the standard lessons learned in college, such as how to manage time, improve study habits, or make responsible decisions, I was lucky to have learned so much more through my collegiate experience. “Fair is a place where pigs win [...]

By |2019-01-18T12:06:17-05:00January 18th, 2019|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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