RecruitPKB: Keep a Journal

This past week I read a great blog written by the Georgia Southern Women's Golf Coach about journaling. Check it out here. While I am not quite part of the techie generation where everything is done on a phone or computer, I do rely on technology for a lot of my business and personal life. However, I have always been a big believer in writing things down. I've never been one to keep a daily journal or diary, but I do constantly have a notebook or notepad to jot down ideas and thoughts and will occasionally give in to writing in my phone notepad if one isn't available. I believe that writing things down holds another level of accountability and retention. It is a great way to set goals, keep track of progress and provide an outlet for your thoughts and feelings. I think what Coach Kuhfield states [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:00-04:00September 11th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: Nutrition

Nutrition is a topic I get asked by parents quite often who want me to emphasize the importance of eating properly to their daughters, and many times simply just encouraging them to eat on the golf course. As someone who's always had a hefty appetite, eating on the golf course was never an issue with me, eating healthy on the other hand was another story. I had a ritual for awhile as junior golfer that marshmallows were my good luck charm so I would devour a bag of them while I played, not exactly the healthiest of snacks. Having been a Health and Exercise Science major in college and becoming much more interested in nutrition over the years, I wanted to pass along a few suggestions to help get you started. Coming soon for PKBGT members will be more information about fitness and nutrition provided by Par4Success. [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:00-04:00August 1st, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

RecruitPKB: The Landing Drill

When chipping from just off the green you should always pick a landing spot that you want to land the ball on. Assess the shot to determine what club will land about 5-7 ft onto the green and provide the roll needed to get to the hole. Take into account any break in the green and pick your landing spot accordingly. This will make the shot much easier when you can focus on hitting a spot that is only several feet in front of you rather than a pin that is farther away. Drill: Lay a towel or hula hoop about 5-7 ft onto the green. Start about 2 paces off the green with one of your wedges, landing the ball on the towel or hula hoop. You are only focused on where the ball lands. Repeat with SW through 8iron. A good goal is to land [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:00-04:00July 1st, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Thoughts after my day of caddying

Yesterday I had the chance to caddy for one of my girls during the US Junior Girls qualifier in Cartersville, GA. We had the chance to play a practice round on Sunday, then the qualifier was on Monday. And she played well enough to qualify, Oklahoma bound in July! I'm fortunate to have the chance to get out with my players quite often to caddy and evaluate them on the course during a tournament, so I wanted to take the time to share a few of my thoughts from yesterday's experience that may help you all as well. Practice Round: Know your targets off each tee. Know your lay up spots. Know what club you want to hit based on the conditions, don't always assume it's driver. Know the elevation changes into greens and how that will affect club selection. Take note of what you hit during [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:00-04:00June 18th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Keeping Your Stats

As you begin to progress in taking ownership of your game one big step is learning to keep up with your own stats. I know it may seem hard to juggle your stats while trying to keep up the pace but if you can learn a few tricks then it will make it much easier. Start by keeping your stats during practice and keep the stats simple to begin with. Grab a scorecard and after each hole simply write an F if you hit the fairway and a G if you hit the green. Then mark a slash for each putt. If you miss the green and get up and down then write u/d or sand if it was out of the bunker. If you don't get up and down, then mark an X through it. These are just a few basic stats to get started with. [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:01-04:00May 29th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: SMU Coach Jeanne Sutherland Interview Part 2

Here is part 2 of my interview with Coach Sutherland about her coaching philosophy and insight in to the recruiting process. My first encounter with SMU Coach Jeanne Sutherland goes back to a funny story that my parents like to tell. When Coach Sutherland was the Texas A&M head coach, she watched me play and asked my parents if she would be wasting her time getting a SC girl to come play golf in TX. They quickly replied with a "yes". Needless to say they didn't want their baby girl playing college golf halfway across the country. Can't say this small town girl disagreed. But I recently was able to reconnect with Coach Sutherland who after 15 years at Texas A&M took over the head women's job at Southern Methodist University in 2011. What has really impressed me about Coach Sutherland is the insight she provides through [...]

By |2017-09-13T12:08:49-04:00March 6th, 2015|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Putting Line

One of my favorite putting drills from my college and professional days is something very simple but extremely effective at building confidence and putting a little bit of pressure on making those short putts when it counts. There are several different variations of this one drill which is why I like it so much. Below are a few options to get you started. 3, 5, 7, 9ft line - Place a tee at 3ft, 5ft, 7ft and 9ft in a line on one side of hole. Begin with a fairly flat putt. Start at the 3ft putt, if you make it move back to the 5ft putt, if you make that move to the 7ft. If you miss then you must start back at the 3ft putt 9, 7, 5, 3ft line - After you have gone up the line start from the 9ft putt and move [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:30-04:00October 10th, 2014|Player Performance Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Happy Mother’s Day!

With Mother's Day around the corner I thought this would be a great chance to give all of those golf mom's some recognition for what they do. Because many times it tends to be the dad who does most of the coaching and caddying, the moms don't always get the credit they deserve. Many of their responsibilities are pre-tournament or behind the scenes such as getting the junior golfer to practice everyday, signing up for tournaments, booking travel, packing, providing snacks and being the cheerleader. From my own experience, my mom always made sure I had snacks on the course. Sometimes it was a superstition factor that decided what she would pack, such as marshmallows, other times it was grapes, granola bars or a sandwich. She helped plan my travel as a junior golfer and made sure I packed what I would need on the road. When [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:30-04:00April 28th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Just Say No to Negative Self Talk

Every time you hit a bad shot, have a bad hole or make a mental mistake stop for a second and ask yourself this question. What would I tell my playing partners if they did the same thing? I highly doubt you would tell them "that was stupid" or "geez what were you thinking" or "you're terrible". More than likely you would tell them "it's OK" or "shake it off" and not really have much emotion towards their shot. You may feel bad for them if they are having a rough day but you would never put them down or belittle their golf skills. So why do that to yourself? Why beat yourself up about a bad shot or mental mistake? Shouldn't you be as quick to boost your own self up as you would be to do it for somebody else? We can all be our [...]

By |2017-09-13T11:46:31-04:00March 30th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments

Recruit PKB: Be Different

We were all made to be unique individuals. We all look different, think different and act different. But as a middle school or high school student it can sometimes be difficult to accept the things about yourself that are different. It is so tempting to want to fit in and be part of the popular crowd. But, the truth is, the people who learn to embrace the things about themselves that make them unique tend be the ones that go on to be more successful than those that don't. They are more confident and secure because they know who they are and they know that their uniqueness sets them apart from everyone else. I promise that what you think is popular now will mean very little a year from now and especially once you get to college. Growing up it wasn't necessarily "cool" to be a girl [...]

By |2018-07-19T10:39:11-04:00March 17th, 2014|College Recruiting Articles|0 Comments
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