RecruitPKB: College Coach Perspective
As the college season starts to wind down I will be posting some new insight, interviews, and feedback directly from the college coaches but for now here is an oldie but goodie about some advice a coach would give a junior golfer going through the process. If you could give a junior golfer one piece of advice what would it be? "All around good in every area. Overachieve in academics, golf, life, comm services. Be a role model" - Division 1 Women's Coach "Work hard on your short game!" - Division 1 Women's Coach "Get the best grades possible." - Division 1 Women's Coach "Have a Game Plan and Goals" - Division 3 Men's and Women's Coach "Always have quality practices. Don't just beat balls. Staying on the range all day does you no good if nothing is accomplished" - Division 2 Men's and Women's Coach "Begin [...]