This past week I had the opportunity to get 5 incredible coaches together for a virtual coach panel. If you haven’t had a chance I highly encourage you to watch:
But for those who may just want a few highlights from the panel here are some of the points that were shared:
- When it comes to an intro email don’t make the email so polished that it’s not a reflection of you. While it needs to be well-written and professional, it also needs to be in your words. It needs to show who you are as a student and an athlete.
- When it comes to practice rounds, keep in mind that rarely will a pin be in the same spot as it is on practice round day. It’s ok to finish out your putt, but don’t waste too much time putting or chipping to that location.
- Know your distances and own them! Don’t force a distance because you want to hit it farther. Don’t get caught up if someone hits it farther than you do. Own your distances!
- Be able to have a good conversation with a coach.
- Speed, strength, and the desire to workout are 3 areas that are difficult to teach in college so they are ideal when looking for recruits.
- Parents, “resist the urge to be equipment manager”. Don’t do everything for your daughter like push her cart, clean her clubs, and register for her. Help her with some things but make sure she is taking care of most things at tourneys.
Coaches on Panel:
💥 #84 ranked University of South Florida Head Coach Erika Brennan with her endless passion and energy for coaching
💥 #42 ranked University of Denver Head Coach Lindsay Kuhle coming off a record setting year
💥#17 ranked University of Arkansas Head Coach Shauna Estes-Taylor wrapping up her 18th season with the program
💥 #8 ranked University of Arizona Head Coach Laura Ianello and 2018 National Champions
💥 #6 ranked Kent State University Head Coach Lisa Strom with 5 teams wins in her shortened first year

Written by: Brandi Jackson, RecruitPKB College Consultant
For more information about college recruiting, please contact Brandi at
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