There are a lot of qualities and characteristics that a junior golfer needs to possess beyond their golf scores in order to be successful both on and off the golf course. These are 12 that I consider to be the most important ones:

You are coachable – You are willing to listen, try, and change how you do things in order to get better

You set goals – You have goals and dreams that make you excited to get up and work hard every day

You learn from others – You understand that there is a lot to learn from others who have more experience than you do

You use your resources – You utilize all of the tools, people, and education that is available to you in order to get better and make good decisions

You plan and prepare – You don’t show up and go through the motions, you show up prepared and with a plan of action

You don’t complain – You know there are going to be bad days but you always try to stay positive and get the most out of it

You take ownership – You take care of yourself and your equipment, you take care of your responsibilities, you know the rules and have good etiquette, you speak for yourself

You take the initiative – You don’t wait to be told what you need to do, you take it upon yourself to get things done

You don’t make excuses – Win or lose you always know there is something to learn from the experience

You are appreciative – You always remember the opportunity you have to play golf is one that shouldn’t be taken for granted

You ask questions – You aren’t afraid to ask questions because you know that will only help you gain more knowledge and experience

You ask for help – You aren’t afraid to ask for help if you don’t understand and want to make sure you do things the right way