This week we are tackling privacy settings and having multiple social media accounts to use for recruiting purposes.
For security reasons, it is perfectly ok to have your social media accounts set to private, just make sure you accept any follow requests from college coaches.
If you choose to have a golf specific account that is totally fine and can be a great addition to your recruiting profile. It can be a great way to keep coaches up to date on your progress, just be sure you keep the amount of times you share and post to an acceptable amount. You can share your tournament results and thoughts, some insights on your practice time, drills, lessons, workouts, travel, etc. Keep it humble but this is also a way to show your love and commitment to playing golf and competing. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing this on your regular account then create one just for golf and share all the golf stuff you would like. But if want to use your regular account and mix that in with your normal personal posts that works just as well.
A few things to remember, just because your account is set to private or you use one just for golf, does not mean coaches won’t find out what you are posting on another account or if you are posting inappropriate content. The junior and college golf world is small, they have players who have friends that are friends of yours or some type of connection. So don’t create a golf account and expect your personal account to stay private from the coaches.
In the next few articles we will talk more about what you are posting on social media, following the teams account, and much more

Brandi Jackson
RecruitPKB College Consultant
If you need assistance with the college recruiting process, please contact Brandi at
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