Continuing in this series.. “What you think you need vs what you actually need.” This one is comparing yourself to others when you need to be focused on what you can do.

So I feel like we all KNOW this but sometimes we just need a reminder every now and then.

Stop for a second and think if social media didn’t exist.
Seriously, stop for a second.
Take a deep breath and just think about it.
Let all the stuff that consumes your thoughts that come strictly from what you see on social media escape your perception of yourself, your golf game, and the recruiting process.
Would you tend to just stay in your own lane and focus on your own timing and goals?

Would you feel better about yourself and your golf game?

Would you be happier and less anxious about the process?

Clearly, we can’t make social media disappear. And it’s actually a very useful and resourceful tool in many ways.
You also can’t avoid what others tell you about their process.
And you can’t help that at your age you are not emotionally mature enough to handle a lot of this without it affecting your thoughts, confidence, and self-esteem.

So monitor what and how much you consume on social media, take a lot of what you hear with a grain of salt, and do your best to only use these things as positive motivation factors and encouragement to continue working toward your own goals that are going to happen in their own time for YOU!

If you would like more information about the college recruiting process please fill out this Client Questionnaire and RecruitPKB College Consultant Brandi Jackson will be in touch with you to schedule your free initial “Intro to the Recruiting Process” 30-minute consultation. You can also contact her directly at